ALI Hosts Conversation on the Future of Trade

Official Guests

  • Congressman Earl Blumenauer

  • Congresswoman Suzan DelBene

  • Congressman Michael Quigley

  • Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland

ALI hosted a robust conversation exploring new trade paradigms with Reps. Blumenauer, DelBene, Quigley, and Strickland. The discussion highlighted that a new trade agenda should incorporate more non-traditional voices, as well as higher labor and environmental standards. Participants noted that while the U.S. has been on the sidelines China has been moving quickly to negotiate trade agreements. There was discussion regarding pursuing narrower agreements, including sectoral supply chain agreements, or bilateral agreements with selected countries like Taiwan. Participants noted that USMCA’s labor provisions have been highly effective, and that replicating or expanding USMCA is a potential path forward. Members of congress discussed their desire to have a great role in the negotiation and passage of trade agreements going forward.